Thanks for your interest in Skydive Spaceland’s exclusive Skydiver Training Program! Here are instructional videos for our training program that provide solid visual training tools to help you learn to skydive.
- Dive Flow 1: Altitude awareness, practice handle throws, locating the dropzone
- Dive Flow 2: Team turns
- Dive Flow 3: Release dive
- Dive Flow 4: Turns and forward movement
- Dive Flow 5: Turns, forward movement, and docks
- Dive Flow 6: Lower-body turns and student docks
- Dive Flow 7: Solo poised exit, barrel rolls
- Dive Flow 8: Solo diving exit, flips n stuff
- Dive Flow 9: Compressed accordion exit, delta dive, tracking
- Dive Flow 10: Flat tracking!
- Dive Flow 11: Fall rate control, tracking
- Dive Flow 12: Swoop and dock practice
- Dive Flow 13: Swoop and dock practice, side slides
- Dive Flow 14: Instructor’s choice of skills to practice
- Dive Flow 15: A-License checkout dive
- Dive Flow 16: Student’s choice of skills to practice
- Dive Flow 17: Hop and pop (simulated emergency exit)
- Dive Flow 18: GRADUATION JUMP–FREE jump from altitude!