2025 San Marcos Showdown 4-way meet


Go Compete!!

Team Name (if not known yet, just enter TBD…unless that’s your team name, then fire whoever named your team) *



April 26, 2025

Registration for the 6th annual San Marcos Showdown 4-way meet at Spaceland San Marcos is now open!

This is the 1st of 3 Texas Skydiving League events this year.  Season champions in each class (AAA, AA, A, Rookie) will be determined by ranking at each of the events.

Registration covers a Texas Skydiving League t-shirt, judges, and medals for top 3 teams in each class.

REGISTER NO-LATER-THAN April 2ndTO GET THE T-SHIRT SIZE YOU WANT. Otherwise, hope there’s one in your size….

Skydive Spaceland registered team jump rate does apply.  – Click here for registered team details

Registration $35 (a little more if you want an XXL).

If you haven’t filled out the https://tinyurl.com/2025-SSM-Showdown yet,  please click on the link.  You’ll end up back here so that you can pay.

Rules regarding each “class” – https://www.skyleague.com/rules/?league=116

For more info about this meet https://www.facebook.com/events/621557907294906